
Showing posts from September, 2018

RUBIUS — The Most Sensible Platform to Buy, Sell, or Send and Receive Digital Currency.

What is Rubius? Rubius is both the name of our company and our cryptocurrency coin. The Rubius coins are a cryptocurrency operating on the Ethereum blockchain platform. They are designed to operate as a currency similar to bitcoin and ether. Our company, Rubius Inc., is a blockchain software startup located in Tampa, Florida, USA. We are focused on developing cryptocurrency products, services, and solutions to help advance the blockchain industry and spur economic development. Rubius’ next link in the chain offrs users a secure tool to send and receive cryptocurrency. The versatile Aryl wallet serves as both decentralized bank and exchange facilitator. The wallet’s user-friendliness allows for confusion free payments between users, and Aryl’s Volatility Shield protects wallet value by converting unstable cryptos into a preferred, steady currency. The Shield’s streamlined conversions allow users to quickly liquidate their holdings from an exchange without excessive fees or lo...


What is BitGoals ? BitGoals is the point of the electronic weapon platform, Token Token Protocol Token (STP) to reward and incentivize platform users. Decentralization and the implementation of smart contracts on the platform bring many benefits to users. All transactions in the platform are verified using cryptography without human intervention. The project is headed by Ben Harris and Gal Yogev, located in a highly developed and currently highly competitive market in the blockchain world, as in recent months some projects related to sports betting have been out but Bitgoals enhanced these projects in some aspects because Bitgoals will incorporate some very interesting features : Casual bets : play your favorite poker game. Yes, learn to retire on time and do everything when you want to win. Fantastic league : wake up and train your dream team to become champions. Ticket match : get your tickets for your favorite game using Bitgoals STP token. Merchandise Store : ...


As the popularity of crypto-currencies rises, more people consider it and use the blockchain technology for payment, transfer, exchange. Cryptographic markets are limitless; they are used at any time and in any place. They have very great potential for growth. Introduction of crypto-currency and block-chain technology into the global world is a stable transition to a perfect future in which personal money management becomes easier, faster, cheaper and safer. The world of crypto currency has created a completely new niche, which is developing due to block-chain technologies that will be able to change all market strategies and different approaches to business.Because of its characteristics, crypto-currency provides a huge number of new opportunities for both experienced and novice investors. As well as other sector, the world of crypto-currencies has difficulties that slows down its development among users without technical knowledge. One of such problems is the lack of a trustwort...


Özellikle teknolojik gelişmelerin paralelinde her alan ve sektörde görülen değişmeler ve yenilikler sayesinde hayatımız bir yandan çok da kolaylaşmış olmakla beraber bu yeniliklere tamamen alışmak da zaman almaktadır. İnternetin hayatımıza girmesi ile birlikte bu yeniliklerin alanı ve kapsamı çok daha fazlaca artmaya başlamış ve dünyamızı tamamen dijitalleşmiştir. Artık birçok iş ve işlemimizi dijitalleşen dünyadan birkaç tık ile halledebilmenin keyfini sürerken bir yandan da bilgiye hiç olmadığımız kadar da yakın olmaktayız. İstatistiklere bakıldığında 2018 yılının internet kullanım oranı dünya nüfusunun yarısını geçerek 4 milyarın üzerine çıkmış, ayrıca dünya nüfusunun % 42’ sinin yani 3 milyardan fazlasının sosyal medya kullanıyor olması ve neredeyse dünya nüfusunun %68’ inin mobil telefon kullanması aslında dünyamızın bundan sonraki yol haritasını anlamak adına bizlere fikir vermektedir. Özellikle 3 milyardan fazla insanın sosyal medya kullanması çevrimiçi endüstrinin ne ka...