
Showing posts from December, 2019 “ To Building Internet access Infrastructure Information, By Use Blockhain Technology System “

At this times I will introduce you to as a project that uses blockhain technology as a tool used in an industrial revolution.  Emirex  I call the name of this project. Blockhain technology development is not limited to individuals. But companies and governments also use blokchain technology as a means of payment and accelerate payments between countries and reduce exact transaction costs. As a revolutionary protocol, blockhain technology can conduct transactions simultaneously, without the presence of a third party (through banking services) ... Alright reader, I will continue the discussion about the  Emirex  project for you ,, Right ?? •What Is This ? Starting from work on BitMeEx - Bitcoin Middle East Exchange, which is located in the Middle East, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where BitMeEx is a trading and exchange platform, which is easy to use, until 2019 the Emirex Group of Companies succeeded in creating its own trading platform called Emirex .com this is a ...