
Showing posts from October, 2019


CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation have joined forces to become world leaders in the research, cultivation, processing and distribution of cannabis, as well as the introduction of blockchain technology for the cannabis life cycle and supply chain management. They seek to lead, legitimize, and shape the future of the industry by creating the world’s most reliable blockchain-based cannabis company. This venture includes the creation of a unique aquaponics growing and manufacturing enterprise in Lesotho for supply to the global market. This document contains detailed information on the contribution of both parties to this venture, including the Initial Coin Offer (ICO), and how this will affect their performance. – BLOCKCHAIN ​​CORPORATION The Blockchain Corporation team is committed to solving problems in the medical cannabis industry and focusing on implementing real solutions to ensure stable crop growth of excellent quality and quantity. It aims to simplify the life cycle of can...


Como todos saben, el mundo está experimentando un crecimiento y desarrollo constante de la industria del juego. Los expertos predicen que la industria del juego alcanzará los $ 300 mil millones al año para 2025. Esto se aplica a absolutamente todos los juegos que afectan a diferentes plataformas. Son juegos de PC, consolas, juegos móviles. Aunque en el mundo hay juegos donde los usuarios pueden hacer pagos rápidos y recibir los artículos e inventario deseados. Por ejemplo, esto es Valve Steam. Sin embargo, este sistema está centralizado con discapacidades y solo se aplica a algunos juegos. La compañía está desarrollando una nueva plataforma comercial basada en la tecnología blockchain, que está diseñada específicamente para la industria del juego para garantizar la transparencia y la seguridad. Cabe decir que Orionix no es una plataforma de juegos, pero el objetivo de la compañía es brindar nuevas oportunidades a la industria del juego para jugadores y comerciantes de todo el mundo. ...

Penambangan bitcoin tradisional menghabiskan lebih banyak energi daripada penambangan mineral, itulah sebabnya untuk menghemat sumber daya dan energi, kelompok TLS membuat sumber daya energi terbarukan mudah diakses oleh orang-orang untuk penambangan Kami memastikan keamanan transaksi dan data registrasi untuk investor kami di semua tahap. Semua spesialis kami memiliki lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman hukum, keuangan, teknis dan praktis. Mereka menggunakan pengetahuan mereka dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari. Kami menggunakan teknologi inovatif di bidang Energi Hijau dan algoritme pengelolaan uang. Keamanan PengalamanInovasiDukungan Manajer kami selalu siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Anda dapat menghubungi kami di akhir pekan dan malam hari. Tim kami terbuka dan siap untuk berdialog untuk seluruh dunia. Proses KYCA untuk pembelian token hanya dilakukan untuk investor nyata yang telah lulus verifikasi. TLS Group adalah penyedia terkemuka manajemen cryptocurrency dan solusi manajemen portofo...


Gigajoule  is a venture that applies front line innovation through gliding force plants. Each drifting force plant is mounted on a freight boat and comprises two SGT-A65 streamlined gas-controlled turbines. The producing limit of the coasting force plant is 132 MW. The innovation of the Gigajoule skimming force plant is given by Siemens, and each task comprises four canal boats totaling 528MW. Power is the way into the development and capability of any nation. Measurements, in any case, have indicated over and over that a few people don’t approach electrical power. This number has been is as yet developing. A genuine model is nations in Africa. These are creating nations that come up short on the essential innovation to misuse common assets that could produce electrical vitality. In a nation like Nigeria, there is plenitude of flammable gas as feed stock, yet by the day’s end, just not exactly 50% of the populace approaches a steady supply of power. The purpose behind this is ...